
PHP Selector

Updated: 23 February 2024
cPanel Version: 118

CloudLinux PHP Selector is a powerful feature of CloudLinux that allows each user to select the desired PHP version and module based on their needs. This guide will walk you through how to use the CloudLinux PHP selector in cPanel.

Accessing the PHP Selector

First, you need to log in to your cPanel account. Once you're in, follow the steps below:

  1. Scroll down to the Software section.
  2. Click on the Select PHP Version icon.

Selecting Your PHP Version

Once you've accessed the PHP Selector, you can choose your PHP version:

  1. In the PHP Version drop-down menu, select your desired version.
  2. Click Set as current to apply the changes.

PHP Version Selection

Remember that not all applications are compatible with the latest PHP versions. It's recommended to check the requirements of the software you are using before making any changes.

Selecting Your PHP Modules

The PHP Selector also allows you to enable or disable specific PHP modules based on your needs:

  1. Under the Modules section, check the boxes of the modules you want to enable.
  2. Uncheck the boxes of the modules you want to disable.
  3. Click Save to apply the changes.

Setting Your PHP Options

You can also adjust various PHP options such as max execution time, memory limit, and error reporting:

  1. Click on the Show PHP Settings button.
  2. Next to each option, click on the value. A drop-down menu or text box will appear, allowing you to adjust the settings.
  3. Click Apply to save your changes.

Adjusting PHP Options

Be careful when adjusting PHP options as incorrect settings can cause issues with your website. If you're unsure, it's best to leave the default settings.

External links

PHP Selector - CloudLinux Documentation