

Updated: 23 February 2024

The function displays the most recent entries in your website’s error logs in reverse chronological order. You can use this information to find broken links or problems with missing files

Accessing the Errors Interface

To access the Errors interface, you'll need to log into your cPanel account first. Once you're logged in, follow these steps:

  1. Scroll down to the Metrics section.
  2. Click on the Errors icon.

You should now be in the Errors interface where you can view the latest errors for your site.

Understanding the Errors Interface

The Errors interface in cPanel shows the last 300 errors that have occurred on your website. These errors are displayed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent error appearing at the top of the list.

Where to Find Errors

This errors are listed in the /var/log/apache2/.

Important Note

  • This tool can show errors from websites using two systems: NGINX (with a setup called Reverse Proxy) and Apache.
  • If you use NGINX, this tool will only show errors that Apache finds. Apache and NGINX keep track of different kinds of errors in their own files. NGINX doesn't keep a record of website visitors in its error file.

What You See

  1. Error messages from your websites.
  2. Errors that mention the username of the account. These are found in another file named /var/log/apache2/suexec_log.

Viewing Older Errors

To see older error messages, you need to look directly in the log files mentioned above.

About Apache Logs

Apache logs keep a record of every request it processes. If something else handles a task, you might find those records in a different place.

External links

Errors - cPanel Documentation